
Mods scourge of war waterloo
Mods scourge of war waterloo

� Improved cavalry movement, edited attack distances and damage calculations. The player must decide if and when to activate the AI full control without using TC by choosing a stance which provides for greater control over cavalry and artillery. The player has maximum control at this setting. � Reduced the stance auto-activation distance to 150 yards from the enemy for all troop types. � Fixed the spelling of a number of officer, unit and map names. � Amended some cavalry parameters to reduce unrealistic results in cavalry vs.

mods scourge of war waterloo

� Changed the scripted formation for skirmishers at beginning of certain Waterloo scenarios. � Restricted the advance of scripted French officers in initial stages of WL06 so they don't approach too close to enemy lines. � Increased the starting distance for LOS Sandbox battles and road battles in the Sandbox campaign. � Implemented a new Line-of-Sight battle starting formation. � Corrected uniform usage issues with Dutch commanders. � Added a courier message �Send� button to the OOB window. � Changed tooltips to dynamically re-size courier window. � Changed the �Compose Courier Message� screen so that full names can be seen. This is also used to see the unit summary at the end of battle. � Added an �Additional Details� option to the OOB screen in main game. The error messages in SOWWL.log are of no significance.

mods scourge of war waterloo

Corps movement is now possible through the in-game context menu or via the movement map.

mods scourge of war waterloo

� Added two corps level formations per army. � Fixed the bug that caused the �Compose Courier Message� screen to close if a courier message is received. � Fixed errors in about-face flags for some LVL6 infantry and cavalry formations. � Fixed the bug with some missing cavalry division ammo wagons. � Fixed a bug in cavalry column reserves formation. � Fixed a bug where the end of scenario time for MP02 was missing. � Added missing unit status tags in languages other than English. � Fixed the bug where Probe button was in an incorrect location on the toolbar.

mods scourge of war waterloo

� Added missing units in the scenario introduction text for WL01 � Fixed the La Haye Sainte occupy bug reported for WL04. � Fixed a tooltip text error on the Status item in popup. � Fixed a bug with building �best� detail level on MP map Options settings.

Mods scourge of war waterloo